Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 44 29 1 14 10788 40.79 31 28.74
2010 22 14 1 7 10384 21.19 14 13.48
2011 21 12 0 9 9833 21.36 15 15.25
2012 38 25 0 13 9778 38.86 31 31.7
2013 44 32 0 12 9411 46.75 38 40.38
2014 34 22 3 9 9623 35.33 22 22.86
2015 41 22 7 12 8876 46.19 30 33.8
2016 41 20 1 20 8549 47.96 30 30.09
2017 40 28 1 11 8079 49.51 32 39.61
2018 40 26 3 11 8089 49.45 34 42.03
2019 34 19 4 11 8460 40.19 26 30.73
2020 26 14 3 9 8374 31.05 22 26.27
2021 225 23 0 10 8170 40.39 18 25.7
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Genetic syndromes + microdeletions
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 10 8 0 2 10788 9.27 0 0
2010 8 6 1 1 10384 7.7 0 0
2011 15 11 0 4 9833 15.25 0 0
2012 6 4 0 2 9778 6.14 0 0
2013 2 2 0 0 9411 2.13 0 0
2014 6 6 0 0 9623 6.24 0 0
2015 9 7 0 2 8876 10.14 0 0
2016 3 3 0 0 8549 3.51 0 0
2017 5 5 0 0 8079 6.19 0 0
2018 71 23 4 44 8089 87.77 0 0
2019 72 27 5 40 8460 85.11 0 0
2020 53 18 2 33 8374 63.29 0 0
2021 65 22 6 37 8170 79.56 0 0
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 64 21 1 42 10788 59.33 0 0
2010 56 20 2 34 10384 53.93 0 0
2011 43 16 4 23 9833 43.73 0 0
2012 70 24 3 43 9778 71.59 0 0
2013 44 15 3 26 9411 46.75 0 0
2014 68 20 6 42 9623 70.66 0 0
2015 64 19 7 38 8876 72.1 0 0
2016 58 12 3 43 8549 67.84 0 0
2017 59 20 2 37 8079 73.03 0 0
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Abdominal wall defects
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 10 5 1 4 10788 9.27 8 7.42
2010 11 2 3 6 10384 10.59 4 3.85
2011 7 2 2 3 98.33 7.12 5 5.08
2012 12 3 1 8 9778 12.27 6 6.14
2013 11 7 0 4 9411 11.69 7 7.44
2014 10 3 1 6 9623 10.39 3 3.12
2015 9 3 0 6 8876 10.14 3 3.38
2016 6 3 0 3 8549 7.02 5 5.85
2017 9 6 0 3 8079 11.14 8 9.9
2018 10 1 3 6 8089 12.36 3 3.71
2019 7 1 1 5 8460 8.27 3 3.55
2020 5 3 1 1 8374 5.97 5 5.97
2021 13 6 0 7 15.91 5 4 11.02
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Oro-facial clefts
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 10 7 1 2 10788 9.27 9 8.34
2010 6 5 0 1 10384 5.78 2 1.93
2011 9 7 1 1 9833 9.15 8 8.14
2012 9 8 0 1 9778 9.2 5 5.11
2013 8 5 0 3 9411 8.5 7 7.44
2014 5 1 1 3 9623 5.2 3 3.12
2015 3 3 0 0 8876 3.38 3 3.38
2016 14 8 0 6 8549 16.38 8 9.36
2017 4 3 0 1 8079 4.95 3 3.71
2018 9 7 0 2 8089 11.13 5 6.18
2019 10 4 1 5 8460 11.82 7 8.27
2020 6 2 0 4 8374 7.17 4 4.78
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 33 32 0 1 10788 30.59 32 29.66
2010 27 27 0 0 10384 26 26 25.04
2011 24 23 0 1 9833 24.41 24 24.41
2012 32 31 0 1 9778 32.73 31 31.7
2013 25 24 1 0 9411 26.56 25 26.56
2014 29 28 0 1 9623 30.14 29 30.14
2015 21 20 0 1 8876 23.66 20 22.53
2016 19 19 0 0 8549 22.22 19 22.22
2017 9 9 0 0 8079 11.14 7 8.56
2018 18 17 0 1 8089 22.25 17 21.02
2019 15 12 1 2 8460 17.73 13 15.37
2020 13 11 1 1 8374 15.52 12 14.33
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 7 7 0 0 10788 6.49 5 4.63
2010 6 6 0 0 10384 5.78 6 5.78
2011 5 5 0 0 9833 5.08 3 3.05
2012 1 1 0 0 9778 1.02 1 1.02
2013 4 3 0 1 9411 4.25 4 4.25
2014 5 4 0 1 9623 5.2 5 5.2
2015 3 3 0 0 8876 3.38 3 3.38
2017 4 1 0 3 8079 4.95 4 4.95
2018 4 4 0 0 8089 4.74 4 4.94
2019 6 5 1 0 8460 7.09 5 5.91
2020 1 1 0 0 8374 1.19 1 1.19
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 5 4 0 1 10788 4.63 3 2.78
2010 3 2 1 0 10384 2.89 2 1.93
2011 5 4 0 1 9833 5.08 5 5.08
2013 9 6 1 2 9411 9.56 6 6.38
2014 2 2 0 0 9623 2.08 2 2.08
2015 8 5 1 2 8876 9.01 7 7.89
2016 9 7 0 2 8549 10.53 7 8.19
2017 6 3 0 3 8079 7.43 5 6.19
2018 4 4 0 0 8089 4.94 3 3.71
2019 4 3 0 1 8460 4.73 2 2.36
2020 7 5 0 2 8374 8.36 5 5.97
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 49 38 0 11 10788 45.42 41 38.01
2010 44 30 3 11 10384 42.37 40 38.52
2011 38 30 0 8 9833 38.65 36 36.61
2012 41 31 1 9 9778 41.93 39 39.89
2013 55 41 5 9 9411 58.44 53 56.32
2014 34 28 1 5 9623 35.33 32 33.25
2015 39 34 2 3 8876 43.94 37 41.69
2016 37 27 1 9 8549 43.28 32 37.43
2017 37 25 2 10 8079 45.8 33 40.85
2018 38 32 1 5 8089 46.98 36 44.5
2019 31 26 1 4 8460 36.64 28 33.1
2020 38 33 2 3 8374 45.38 37 44.18
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Congenital heart defects
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 59 41 1 17 10788 54.69 40 37.08
2010 62 47 1 14 10384 59.71 47 45.26
2011 68 53 3 12 9833 69.15 52 52.88
2012 68 49 0 19 9778 69.54 49 50.11
2013 66 45 3 18 9411 70.13 53 56.32
2014 60 41 4 15 9623 62.35 38 39.49
2015 43 24 6 13 8876 48.45 30 33.8
2016 42 27 2 13 8549 49.13 27 31.58
2017 45 32 1 12 8079 55.7 26 32.18
2018 46 27 1 18 8089 56.87 32 39.56
2019 35 27 3 5 8460 41.37 21 24.82
2020 46 31 2 13 8374 54.93 29 34.63
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Digestive system
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 15 14 0 1 10788 13.9 10 9.27
2010 10 10 0 0 10384 9.63 8 7.7
2011 18 13 1 4 9833 18.31 14 14.24
2012 14 12 0 2 9778 14.32 13 13.8
2013 21 15 4 2 9411 22.31 18 19.13
2014 21 17 2 2 9623 21.82 20 20.78
2015 14 9 2 3 8876 15.77 12 13.52
2016 22 19 0 3 8549 25.73 18 21.06
2017 15 11 1 3 8079 18.57 15 18.57
2018 11 8 1 2 8089 13.6 9 11.13
2019 14 12 2 0 8460 16.55 10 11.82
2020 12 7 0 5 8374 14.33 8 9.55
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Nervous system
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 39 14 1 24 10788 36.15 28 25.95
2009 39 14 1 24 10788 36.15 28 25.95
2010 32 14 3 15 10384 30.82 26 25.04
2011 35 12 2 21 9833 35.59 29 29.49
2012 36 15 2 19 9778 36.82 27 27.61
2013 36 14 2 20 9411 38.25 32 34
2014 31 15 1 15 9623 32.21 23 23.9
2015 36 10 4 22 8876 40.56 27 30.42
2016 56 12 2 42 8549 65.5 46 53.81
2017 40 12 1 27 8079 49.51 30 37.13
2018 27 11 0 16 8089 33.38 21 25.96
2019 33 12 4 17 8460 39.01 26 30.73
2020 24 7 1 16 8374 28.66 20 23.88
**(excluding genetic conditions)
Ear face & neck
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 7 6 0 1 10788 6.49 2 1.85
2010 6 2 0 4 10384 5.78 4 3.85
2011 9 6 0 3 9833 9.15 7 7.12
2012 1 1 0 0 9778 1.02 1 1.02
2013 1 1 0 0 9411 1.06 1 1.06
2014 1 1 0 0 9623 1.04 1 1.04
2014 1 1 0 0 9623 1.04 1 1.04
2015 4 3 0 1 8876 4.51 4 4.51
2016 4 3 0 1 8549 4.68 2 2.34
2017 4 3 1 0 8079 4.95 3 3.71
2018 3 2 1 0 8089 3.71 2 2.47
2019 0 0 0 0 8460 0 0 0
2020 2 0 0 2 8374 2.39 0 0
**(excluding genetic conditions)
All Anomalies
Année Total cases Live Births Fetal Deaths Terminations of pregnancy Population Prevalence Total cases** Prevalence**
2009 274 188 5 81 10788 253.99 198 183.54
2010 222 153 8 61 10384 213.79 157 151.19
2011 229 163 8 58 9833 232.89 170 172.89
2012 263 182 7 74 9778 268.97 182 186.13
2012 263 182 7 74 9778 268.97 182 186.13
2013 255 183 8 64 9411 270.96 209 222.08
2014 241 168 12 61 9623 250.44 164 170.43
2015 221 138 15 68 8876 248.99 145 163.36
2016 225 131 6 88 8549 263.19 160 187.16
2017 198 121 6 71 8079 245.08 134 165.86
2018 204 134 8 62 8089 252.19 133 164.42
2019 194 123 10 61 8460 229.31 122 144.21
2020 185 121 8 56 8374 220.92 132 157.63
**(excluding genetic conditions)